What is an EIN?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is like a social security number for your business. It is a nine-digit number assigned by the IRS. Obtaining an EIN (also known as Federal Tax ID Number) is the next step to follow after establishing a company in the USA.

If you have a US company conducting operations, EIN (Federal Tax ID Number) is of great importance to perform your business activities legally.All US companies need an EIN (Federal Tax ID Number) for many processes such as opening a bank account in the USA, getting a bank loan, employing workers and registering on marketplaces.

How to Get an EIN?

You can individually apply for an EIN. This number can be obtained without the need to be present in the USA. EIN is assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS); thus, you have to fill out a Form SS-4 via the IRS website. After filling out the form, you need to submit the required information and documents to the IRS and track the remaining process. 
You can also obtain an EIN from the IRS with our help at a highly affordable price. Thanks to our fast and easy service, you can get rid of handling complicated IRS forms and procedures and benefit from our professional customer support. 
Following the EIN application, you receive your EIN in 4 to 12 weeks. Your documents are also delivered to you.

Required Information for an EIN Application

Certificate of Formation
Place of Residence
Contact Information
You can obtain an EIN (Federal Tax ID Number) from the IRS with the state-approved and stamped Certificate of Formation of your US company.

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