A director of a company is someone who is in charge of the day-to-day running of the company. Company directors are responsible for making sure that the company is running smoothly and that all the important decisions are made.
What does a director do in a company?
There are seven duties under the Companies Act 2006 that a director of a company must perform.
1. Follow the company’s constitution and articles of association
As the director of a company, you are obligated to follow the company’s constitution and articles of association – these are written rules that dictate how the company should be run, and they are agreed upon by the members, directors, and company secretary. The constitution outlines what kind of power you have as the company director and what the purpose of said power is.
2. Do everything possible to promote the company’s success
The director of a company must consider the company’s long-term interests, its employees, and the need to support business relationships with suppliers, customers, and others. In addition, the company director must consider the impact of the company’s operations on the community and environment, as well as the company’s reputation for high standards of business conduct. Finally, the director must act fairly with all members of the company. If the company becomes insolvent, the director’s responsibilities towards the creditors will apply instead of those of the company.
3. Apply independent judgement to make final decisions
The company director is responsible for making final decisions on a variety of issues and must be able to make informed decisions without relying on others. The director needs to be able to analyse the situation and make a decision based on what is best for the company, not just what is popular or what other people may think.
4. Perform with skill and diligence
Directors must have a strong knowledge of business and be able to make sound decisions. They must also be able to work closely with other members of the team and be able to take responsibility for their actions. Company directors must be able to lead and manage teams effectively. They should be able to think outside the box to come up with new ideas. Directors must also be able to work well under pressure and handle difficult situations.
5. Avoid any possible conflict of interest
Company directors have a duty towards the company to avoid situations where their loyalties could be divided, as this may result in a conflict of interest. They should be transparent with other directors and members about any possible conflict of interest and follow any process that is set out in the company’s articles of association. This duty continues to apply even if they are no longer the director of a company. They must not take advantage of any property, information, or opportunity that they became aware of because they are a part of the board.
6. Avoid third-party benefits
As a company director, you are not allowed to accept benefits from a third party that could cause a conflict of interest. However, the company may allow you to accept benefits like reasonable corporate hospitality as long as it’s clear that there is no conflict of interest.
7. Declare interests of transactions to the board
According to UK regulations and laws, directors are responsible for making sure fellow directors, partners, and members of the company are aware of any transactions that may benefit them personally. This could happen in many ways. For example, the company may have to conduct business with a relative of a director. In such cases, the board may receive monetary or other gains when a contract finalizing this business deal is signed.
Who can be a director of a company in the UK?
In the UK, a director of a company must be a person who is 16 or over. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as if the director is a trustee for a charity. The company director may reside outside the UK but the company must be registered in the UK with its own legal personality including a registered office address.
How to add a director to a company in the UK
To add a director to your company in the UK, you will first need to submit a request to the Companies House. This request can be made using your Companies House WebFiling account and should include the name of the director, their contact information, and the reason for their appointment. Once the request has been submitted, the Companies House will review it and will either approve or deny it. If the request is approved, the director will then be registered with Companies House and will be able to commence their role.
How to remove a director from a company in the UK
The Companies Act 2006 sets out the process for removing a director from a company in the UK. The first step is to pass a resolution at a meeting of the company’s board of directors. The resolution must be passed by a majority of the directors present and voting. Once the resolution is passed, the company director must be given written notice of their removal. The notice must be served on the director within 14 days of the resolution being passed. The director can appeal their removal within 28 days of receiving the notice. A notice is sent to all shareholders and the director in question to announce the date of the general meeting.
The director may make written representations in response to the proposal to remove him, and if it’s possible, the company must circulate these representations to the shareholders before the meeting. During the meeting, the director facing removal is allowed to speak about the resolution and have any written representations he has made read to everyone in attendance. A simple majority (i.e., anything over 50%) of shareholders who are entitled to vote and are in attendance at the meeting must vote in favour of the resolution for it to be passed and the director removed.
What happens to the director of a dissolved company in the UK?
Directors of a dissolved company can become directors of other companies in the UK. However, if the Insolvency Service receives complaints about possible serious misconduct, it has the power, on behalf of the Secretary of State, to investigate and apply for a director’s disqualification if there is evidence that the director under investigation has indulged in serious wrongdoing or acted in an inappropriate manner.
Are directors liable for company debts in the UK?
Directors of a limited company are not personally liable for the company’s debts, with the exception of personal guarantees and an overdrawn director’s current account. Personal guarantees allow company directors to borrow money from landlords and creditors in the event that payments are not met. If payments cannot be made, the director of a company is personally liable for the shortfall, which could affect their personal credit rating.
In the case of the tax debt of a company, the Finance Act 2020 has been revised on July 22, 2020, in which Schedule 13 empowers HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to transfer the liabilities of a company to its directors. This means that the company directors are responsible for the tax debt of an insolvent or liquidated company. A director is responsible for overseeing all aspects of a company, including its finances, operations, and marketing. They also help to develop and maintain company culture and may participate in decision-making when you have a company in the UK.
Set up your own company in the UK with Workhy
Did you know that with Workhy, you can set up your UK company online without having to travel there and deal with visa procedures? Workhy helps entrepreneurs from all over the world start their businesses in the UK by providing services including company formation, opening online bank accounts, registering business addresses, bookkeeping, and applying for VAT and EORI. Find out more about Workhy by visiting our website.